
Sunday Post

Happy Thanksgiving weekend; here's more pictures than usual (don't know if y'all noticed, but I just do ten pictures each post for convenience's sake - today we've got fifteen. big spender, i know).

Anyways, I'm still working on that Stolen Continents book. Don't remember if I've brought it up before or not, so here's the skinny: it's a history book about the occupation of the Americas, as told from the NATIVE point of view, from the Spanish landing in Mexico up 'til when the book was published (less than ten years ago). It's completely blowing my mind; there are no words to explain just how fucking stupid and thick-headed our entire European culture was and is. Anyways, I just finished reading the first section of the book, which closes with the invasion history from the Iroquois, and suffice to say it's given me some very new perspectives on "Thanksgiving." Maybe I'll do a post tomorrow about it, maybe not, I dunno. I highly recommend hunting this book down at your local library - I'll strongly wager that it'll completely change how you look at our entire culture and continent.

But anyway, it is late, I've been up since 3:30 AM (after a night out beforehand, too), and I've got church (urgh) and more work tomorrow. On the up side, my homework for the weekend is done, and I'm going to Bronnie's aunt's place for a big family dinner on Monday night; I'm looking forward to good food, better atmosphere, and I hope that everyone else I know can think of at least one thing for which they are fully and soulfully thankful for. "As long as you've got even just one thing, big or small, to smile about, then everything else, all the shit and hard times you'll put up with, it's all worth it as long as you've got that one thing."

One of my things to smile about is the music of this man. The Tallest Man On Earth is quite possibly one of the most skillful and heart-warming musicians I know of; this video series has four parts, and you can find them all through either the side bar or on the uploader's page. Such a treat. :)

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