
Post One Hundred

Holy smokes, one hundred posts!
I feel as though it should be a milestone, but it's just kinda snuck up on me and I don't really care that much. Neato, and suck it, Facebook. No more time-sucking from you.

Anyway, I took a link off a blog and then another link, then remembered my cousin's bike team in Mission. Now I've pretty much spontaneously embraced downhill/mountain/trick biking in addition to plain ol' transport biking, and suffice to say, it's damn cool whatever you happen to do on your ride. Here's a series of videos for ya:

The clip that started it all, picked up on We Love You So.

Bridging the Gap Vol.1 from Joseph Lobato on Vimeo.

That led me back to my cousin John, who rides with Team Wolf out in Mission. Here's a video of him running some trails (I remember riding hiking trails with him up in the interior way back in the day - good times).
And let's just throw in a shot against cars, just because I can. This is so much more visceral than rally car racing, and I don't even want to think about trying to enjoy the trail with cars roaring through.

(video by Brock Anderson)

And finally, pulled this one off the Team Wolf site. This is Tim Knoll - I have mental images of this cat going through his entire day without ever getting off his bike.

Tim Knoll BMX from tim knoll on Vimeo.

I was talking to Eden last night after practice, and I realized that despite having some seriously awesome views, I can be pretty damn inflexible with them. I'm hoping that this realization will lead me to a little more open to other views, and I know that this can carry into biking too (I kinda have a tendency to mock spandex riders a lot). I guess what I'm saying is that with the sudden gravitation towards this mode of biking (downhill, mountain, etc), I'm hoping that I'll start just accepting any kind of biking for what it is: riding a bike. However you do it, it's great.

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