
Sunday Post

DID NOT FORGET, just left for work early so I could be done early. Suck it up, y'all. Anyway, I may finally have a free day for once! I got my refined availability sheet handed in with a note saying that I caaaan work Fridays if necessary, but it'd be really swell if I could get them off; I currently have no days off - I have either school days or work days, and both are pretty long. I've so far managed to avoid a stress-related breakdown and I'd like to keep that statistic. Anyway, I've got this coming Friday off which makes me a happy camper.

On a downer note, on Friday I am taking part in the monthly Critical Mass. This is a downer because this week it is a - well, maybe "special" isn't the right word, but you know what I mean - special ride: it's a memorial ride for Andrew Wolf, one of the members of the Otesha Project. The Otesha Project is currently doing a bike tour around the East Coast, teaching about sustainability through theatre and performance - my good friend Lisi is on the trip as well. Two days ago, while riding along a highway between towns in New Brunswick, one of the groups of cyclists was hit by a semitruck; two people were injured, and Andrew was killed.

I don't feel that there is much anyone can say about this. Someone was doing what they believed to make the world brighter and they were senselessly killed while doing it. They were a friend of my friend, someone's son, other peoples' friend, and these people will never truly get over this. I don't think there's much else that can be said.

"We come from a hidden ocean, and we go to an unknown ocean."
"Antonio Machado

"A seascape: beyond the headland
A glimpse of immaculate sand that awaits our footprints"
-Michael Longley

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