
Urgency is the mother of productivity,

and up until that point it's all about the dreaming (and procrastinating).

Hello all, and welcome to the blog. I'm attempting to phase out Facebook as a major source of procrastination and time-wasting with what I'm hoping will be a less time-consuming and more productive outlet. Most of my time probably should be spent doing things like homework and practicing (hurray post-secondary music school), but instead it's usually spent reading, writing, listening to copious amounts of music, running around on bussing and biking adventures and taking some photos here and there; as a result a lot of ramblings, poems, songs and other miscellaneous things end up on the ol' FB as notes. I'm hoping that I can switch from that over to this - I'll have an outlet to share things that I think are awesome and you'll be able to experience them with me.

Anyone familiar with blogs such as DETOUR, Desire to Inspire, and We Love You So knows what this is about, and despite their extremely bountiful number I don't think you can have too many photo-dumps - my computer is full of a ridiculous stash of random photos picked up from around the web because I think they're really cool, and this blog'll help to continue to spread the awesome.

Again, in addition to continuing the photo-dump cycle, I'll also be posting up songs, musings, photos of my own, music videos and all manner of whatnot in a hopefully semi-consistent manner, probably the weekends (due to afore-mentioned school which devours my time like a white family at an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet).

I hope that you can find some inspiration and happiness from here like I do from the rest of the world. Keep smiling.

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