
Another night with Lisa

I think I'm in love.

University reading break; I'm back in the ol' stomping grounds. It honestly took about four hours here for me to want to be back in Victoria. This led to the coining of the phrase: "your hometown - the one place that you can't stand but you'll always miss," and really, it's true. I'll always have part of me here, but goddamnit I can't stand being around this place anymore - to me it feels like the whole town is dying, like it's steeped in a feeling of decay.

Well, not completely - the school is still full of life and smiles at least.

On the up side, free food has been abundant at home, so there's that at least - my bank account is about as skinny as I am so it could use the relief. Visited some friends who are just on the cusp of finishing high school - I'm excited for them; post-secondary is completely life-changing and I want them to find as much joy and contentment in the new life as I have. My old teachers still fill me with inspiration and warmth too, so you know they did and still are doing something right.

Also getting incredibly stoked on olympic hockey, and I'm hurling myself into the downtown scene this afternoon for the game against the Swiss. Again, I'm almost on the fence about the whole thing, but as for now I'm going to have to admit I've been swept up in a swell of nationalistic pride and I'm pumping my fists and getting goosebumps every time I hear the anthem. And like I said before: of course there are negatives to the Games (it's idiotic to think something this big would be nothing but puppies and rainbows), but there's great good as well. International participation and camaraderie isn't something we see a lot of nowadays so I think any instance of it is a magical thing to be proud of. Once again for emphasis: I am fucking proud to be Canadian.

Final note: I think I'm going to bring Facebook back. It sucks and I feel like such a caver: three days - God damnit. However, I realized that although I gave other people the means to contact me, I apparently overlooked ME having to contact THEM. Soooooo, yeah... difficult to send my band or students emails when I don't, uh, have their emails.

In any case, I'm back to Victoria on Saturday, definitely looking forward to it (although I know I'll miss the town I can no longer stand). Hope you liked the song (goddamnit Lisa, you are such a beautiful person - you'll oust Zooey Deschanel at this rate), and photodump on Sunday!

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