
True North, Strong and Awesome.

So the Olympics are finally here.
Before I bring anything up, I would like to get the obvious out of the way: No Olympics on stolen native land, Arts before Olympics, pro-rogies in your mouth - not in parliament, and roflcauldronfail.

Now that that's out of the way, we can talk like civilized people.

The blogosphere is no doubt flooded with posts such as this, proclaiming sentiments ranging from ecstasy to apathy to vehement anger. I generally try to not go with the flow, but seeing as this is kind of a big/unique deal, I want to put out my own thoughts on this.

I actually deleted a large section of post before this. I was miring myself down in validations and explanations towards issues against the Olympics, but I decided that now, at this point, it doesn't really matter. They're here and we should just wonder at the fact that all these countries have put aside whatever differences to compete in high-spirited and good-natured games. Some of the countries hate each other and would like nothing better than to see the other gone (cough, Iran and Israel, cough) but they are still all here. All the people are here. All the people are together. This is the real point of the Games.

And as for the Games being held in Vancouver, Canada, I would like to say this:
I am fucking proud to be Canadian.
I try to swear as little as possible, but this is how strongly I feel about this. I am fucking proud of this country; I am fucking proud of its people; I am fucking proud of its cultures and Arts, and I am fucking proud to be able to call it my home, especially British Columbia. It might not be the best place on Earth, but goddamnit it's bloody close.

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