
Lbrary Fees

They suck. So does realizing you haven't checked your u-mail in a while and then discovering this means you now owe over forty dollars in late fees. Half of that should be dropped because I actually DID return that bloody recalled book (a day late, but one day is much better than, uh, nine), but still. Library fines are the last thing you need when you have baseline money for just groceries.

On the up side, I got some helper money in regards to said groceries, so that's great. The free food all week was nice as well. I got a free half-bottle of amarula from my brother's roommate too - she's lactose intolerant and didn't like it anyway, and mine's almost gone so huzzah! I also shaved my head while I was there, so I am anticipating a lot of head-rubbing for the next week. Feels very odd: no haircut for over eighteen months and now I'm nearly shaved bald.

Olympics! I made it downtown yesterday afternoon and evening, and I tell you, I have never, ever seen so many people. "Joyous chaos," says the radio, and I couldn't agree more. I caught the game with my friend Dylan at the Lennox pub; we somehow got actual seats and yeah, just wow. What an experience. I am truly sad that I won't get to spend any more time down there.

One last thing: jumping the gun a little bit for the Sunday Post, but these actually nudged me to write up this post. Found a few pictures on Desire To Inspire (check the side links; amazing blog) of some rooms that I absolutely love.

This room is basically the kind of room I've always wanted. I see something like this and my head is just packed with ideas of what I could do with it. I could put a piano in there, I could cover the walls with posters or, even better, bookcases. Stereo, instruments everwhere, a big couch, cushions everywhere, you name it. So many things that fill my heart and head when I see this picture.

Now this... hoo boy. I never experienced "kitchen envy" until I moved to Victoria and saw my friend/bandmate Eden's place. Their kitchen is beautiful and I let her and her roommate know every time I'm there. This kitchen (the picture) is fairly close to theirs': galley style, big bright windows, draws and cupboards out the wazoo. This one's also got the wood floors (fabulous), massive counters, glass cupboard doors. So wonderful. It makes me a little sad knowing that it'll be a while before I have a kitchen like this of my own on account of the being broke, but hey, a boy can dream.

So yeah, heading back to the Island in the morning, rushing my ass to the library, then going to the bottle depot with Dylan and hopefully get back a good chunk of the fines (goddamn have we got a big pile of empties).

Possibly a post later today (hurray technically saturday now), Sunday Post tomorrow morning! Stay magical.

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