

Beautiful merger with Nature on the way home from work. Detoured to Saxe Point and basked in the full moon over the ocean for a bit; literally no clouds across the strait so you could see Port Angeles and even the mountain outlines because of the moonlight. On the way back to Esquimalt Road I noticed a young buck standing under a streetlight (young buck as in a deer - no euphemisms here, people); naturally, I decided to investigate - joy of bicycles, my friends.

Of course, the buck took off when I neared, but as it did, around eight or nine other deer bounded out from behind some parked cars and lawns and started running with the original buck. I suddenly found myself riding about five feet behind and at pace with a small herd of deer; the only sounds were the whir from my chain and the thuds from their hooves. We ran/rode together for maybe half a block before they finally clued in to the whole "pursuit" thing and split off onto yards until there was just one doe, and then she trotted off onto another yard on my left. It was just my Bike and I again.

And then around a corner there were two racoons beating the shit out of each other.

The Wild, man.

And now, the Other Point for writing the post: a late-night song. I've posted versions of this song twice now, I think (very first post, if I recall correctly!), and you know that that means it's damn good. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Lisa Hannigan. Again.

One video viewer commented that her voice "massages that place of your brain where only coffee and hot showers can reach;" I have read few youtube comments that are truer than this - Lisa's singing and songs fill me with nothing but a delightfully mellow warmth, like a Girl sitting beside you under a blanket with a steaming cup of cocoa on a winter's day. Lengthy description, yes, but necessary for establishing sensation. Have a fine night (because it's 1 AM and I am crazy).

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